We're tired of being white and we're tired of being black, and we're not going to be white and we're not going to be black any longer. We're going to be voices now, disembodied voices in the blue sky, pleasant harmonies in the cavities of your distress. And we're going to stay this way until you straighten up, until your suffering makes you calm, and you can believe the word of G-d who has told you so many times, and in so many ways, to love one another, or at least not to torture and murder in the name of some stupid vomit-making human idea that makes G-d turn away from you, and darken the cosmos with inconceivable sorrow. We're tired of being white and we're tired of being black, and we're not going to be white and we're not going to be black any longer.
Leonard Cohen, Book of longing
[Estem cansats de ser blancs i estem cansats de ser negres, i ja no tornarem a ser blancs ni tornarem a ser negres mai més. Ara serem veus, veus desencarnades en el cel blau, harmonies plaents dins les cavitats de la vostra angoixa. I romandrem així fins que us aixequeu, fins que el vostre patiment us encalmi, i pugueu creure la paraula de Déu que us ha demanat tantíssimes vegades, i de tantíssimes maneres, que us estimeu els uns als altres, o almenys que no us tortureu i us mateu en nom d'alguna estúpida i vomitiva idea humana que fa que Déu s'aparti de vosaltres, i el cosmos s'obscureixi amb una tristor inconcebible. Estem cansats de ser blancs i estem cansats de ser negres, i ja no tornarem a ser blancs ni tornarem a ser negres mai més.]
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