nascuda de la injusta i llarga humiliació.
Ara em despengen uns dits piadosos
de les forques senyorials de la paraula,
i cau a poc a poc la clara pluja
en aquesta terra nostra de pobres sembrats.
Oblido dolçament les ones i les hores,
i la por de morir m'esdevé una tranquil·la
mirada de caminant molt cansat a la porta
de l'hostal silenciós i càlid de la nit.
Enllà quedava la remor de les amples aigües,
em criden al repòs del profund desert,
el meu maligne nombre se salva en la unitat.
Salvador Espriu, Les hores
Not the song of hatred, though,
born from unfair and long humiliation.
Now, merciful fingers take me down
from the lordly gallows of the word,
and the clear rain slowly falls down
over here, our land of poor fields.
I sweetly forget the waves and the hours,
and my fear of death turns into the calm
look of a very tired walker, at the door
of the silent and warm inn of the night.
The murmur of wide waters was very far away;
they call me to rest on the deep desert;
my malignant number is saved in unity.
Salvador Espriu, Les hores
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