arreu als camps hi ha vermell de roselles.
Amb nova falç comencem a segar
el blat dur i, amb ell, les males herbes."
Ah, joves llavis desclosos després
de la foscor, si sabíeu com l'alba
ens ha trigat, com és llarg d'esperar
un alçament de llum en la tenebra!
Però hem viscut per salvar-vos els mots,
per retornar-vos el nom de cada cosa,
perquè seguíssiu el recte camí
d'accés al ple domini de la terra.
Vàrem mirar ben al lluny del desert,
davallàvem al fons del nostre somni.
Cisternes seques esdevenen cims
pujats per esglaons de lentes hores.
Ara digueu: "Nosaltres escoltem
les veus del vent per l'alta mar d'espigues."
Ara digueu: "Ens mantindrem fidels
per sempre més al servei d'aquest poble."
Salvador Espriu, 1965
Now, do say: "The broom blossoms;
all over, the fields are red with poppies.
With a new sickle, we begin to reap
the hard grain and, with it, the bad weeds."
O, young lips opened after
the darkness, if you knew how long it has taken
for dawn to come, how long it feels to wait for
an uprising of light among the shadows!
But we have lived enough to save the words for you,
to give you back the name of each thing,
so as you can follow the straight path
that leads to a full possession of the land.
We looked at the desert, far off;
we descended to the bottom of our dream.
Dry cisterns turn into summits
which have been climbed through steps of slow hours.
Now, do say: "We listen
to the voices of the wind over the high sea of spikes."
Now, do say: "We will remain faithful,
for ever after, at the service of this country."
Salvador Espriu, 1965
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